P-EBT Deposit Dates

What is P-EBT?

P-EBT stands for Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer. It is a supplemental food assistance program run by the USDA that provides extra food benefits to eligible families with children who have temporarily lost access to free or reduced-price school meals due to COVID-19 school closures. P-EBT benefits help low-income families purchase food when school is closed.

The program provides eligible families with an EBT card that can be used like a debit card to purchase food. Benefits are loaded onto the card each month, similar to how SNAP food stamps are deposited. The amount of P-EBT benefits depends on the number of children in the household and the daily reimbursement rate for missed school meals in each state.

P-EBT is administered separately from regular SNAP benefits, so eligible families will receive P-EBT funds in addition to any SNAP amounts already on their EBT card. The deposits occur on different dates.

When Will I Get My P-EBT Benefits?

P-EBT benefits are issued on a state-by-state basis. Deposit dates vary depending on your state’s EBT schedule. Some states distribute P-EBT funds multiple times per month, while others issue them only once.

It’s important to check your state’s 2023 P-EBT deposit calendar so you know when to expect your food assistance. Mark your calendar with the tentative deposit dates so you can budget accordingly.

Below is a state-by-state breakdown of the P-EBT disbursement timeframes for 2023:


Alabama P-EBT benefits are issued from the 1st to the 15th of each month. The date depends on the last two digits of your case number. Check the deposit schedule below to see when you’ll get P-EBT in Alabama in 2023.

Last 2 digits of case #Deposit Date
00-011st of the month
02-044th of the month
05-106th of the month
11-178th of the month
18-2410th of the month
25-3412th of the month
35-4514th of the month
46-5915th of the month


Arizona distributes P-EBT benefits over the first 10 calendar days of each month. The specific date depends on the last digit of your case number:

Last digit of case #Deposit Date
01st of the month
13rd of the month
25th of the month
37th of the month
49th of the month
510th of the month


Arkansas deposits P-EBT benefits over several days each month:

  • Days 1-4: Benefits available for accounts with case numbers ending in 0-3
  • Days 5-8: Benefits available for accounts with case numbers ending in 4-7
  • Days 9-13: Benefits available for accounts with case numbers ending in 8 or 9


California distributes P-EBT funds between the 1st and 10th of each month based on the last digit of your case number:

Last digit of case #Deposit Date
01st of the month
13rd of the month
25th of the month
37th of the month
49th of the month
5-910th of the month


Colorado P-EBT benefits are issued from the 1st to the 10th of each month based on the last two digits of your case number:

Last 2 digits of case #Deposit Date
00-091st of the month
10-192nd of the month
20-293rd of the month
30-394th of the month
40-495th of the month
50-596th of the month
60-697th of the month
70-798th of the month
80-899th of the month
90-9910th of the month


Delaware distributes P-EBT funds on the 5th of each month. All recipients receive benefits on the same day.


Florida issues P-EBT benefits between the 1st and 28th of each month. The deposit date depends on the last digit of your case number:

Last digit of case #Deposit Date
0, 11st of the month
2, 33rd of the month
4, 6, 85th of the month
5, 7, 97th of the month
10, 20, 309th of the month
11, 12, 21, 2211th of the month
13, 23, 31, 3213th of the month
14, 15, 24, 2515th of the month
16, 17, 26, 2717th of the month
18, 19, 28, 2919th of the month
33, 34, 43, 4421st of the month
35, 36, 45, 4623rd of the month
37, 38, 47, 4825th of the month
39, 40, 4927th of the month


Georgia issues P-EBT benefits from the 1st to the 23rd of each month. The specific date depends on the last two digits of your case number:

Last 2 digits of case #Deposit Date
00-041st of the month
05-135th of the month
14-237th of the month
24-339th of the month
34-4311th of the month
44-5313th of the month
54-6315th of the month
64-7317th of the month
74-8319th of the month
84-9321st of the month
94-9923rd of the month


Hawaii deposits P-EBT benefits on the 3rd of each month. All recipients get funds on the same day.


Idaho distributes P-EBT funds between the 5th and 13th of each month. The deposit date depends on the last digit of your case number:

Last digit of case #Deposit Date
05th of the month
17th of the month
29th of the month
311th of the month
413th of the month


Illinois issues P-EBT benefits between the 1st and 10th of each month based on the last digit of your case number:

Last digit of case #Deposit Date
0, 11st of the month
2, 33rd of the month
4, 55th of the month
6, 77th of the month
8, 99th of the month


Indiana deposits P-EBT benefits on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th of each month. The date depends on the first letter of your last name:

  • A-B: 1st of the month
  • C-H: 3rd of the month
  • I-Z: 5th of the month


Iowa distributes P-EBT funds between the 3rd and 10th of each month based on the last two digits of your case number:

Last 2 digits of case #Deposit Date
00-193rd of the month
20-395th of the month
40-597th of the month
60-799th of the month
80-9910th of the month


Kansas issues P-EBT benefits from the 1st to the 10th of each month based on the first letter of your last name:

First letter of last nameDeposit Date
A-B1st of the month
C-H3rd of the month
I-M5th of the month
N-S7th of the month
T-Z9th of the month


Kentucky distributes P-EBT benefits on the 2nd of each month. All recipients receive funds on the same day.


Louisiana issues P-EBT funds between the 5th and 23rd of each month. The deposit date depends on the last two digits of your case number:

Last 2 digits of case #Deposit Date
00-105th of the month
11-207th of the month
21-309th of the month
31-4011th of the month
41-5013th of the month
51-6015th of the month
61-7017th of the month
71-8019th of the month
81-9021st of the month
91-9923rd of the month


Maine issues P-EBT benefits from the 10th to the 14th of each month. The specific date depends on the last digit of your case number:

Last digit of case #Deposit Date
010th of the month
111th of the month
212th of the month
313th of the month
414th of the month


Maryland distributes P-EBT benefits between the 3rd and 9th of each month based on the first letter of the primary recipient’s last name:

First letter of last nameDeposit Date
A-C3rd of the month
D-K5th of the month
L-R7th of the month
S-Z9th of the month


Massachusetts issues P-EBT benefits on the 14th of each month. All recipients get funds on the same day.


Michigan distributes P-EBT funds between the 3rd and 25th of each month based on the last two digits of your case number:

Last 2 digits of case #Deposit Date
00-043rd of the month
05-095th of the month
10-147th of the month
15-199th of the month
20-2411th of the month
25-2913th of the month
30-3415th of the month
35-3917th of the month
40-4419th of the month
45-4921st of the month
50-5423rd of the month
55-5925th of the month


Minnesota deposits P-EBT funds over several days each month:

  • 1st – 3rd: Benefits available for accounts with case numbers ending in 0-3
  • 4th – 6th: Benefits available for accounts with case numbers ending in 4-6
  • 7th – 9th: Benefits available for accounts with case numbers ending in 7-9


Mississippi issues P-EBT benefits on the 5th of each month. All recipients receive funds on the same day.


Missouri distributes P-EBT benefits from the 1st to the 22nd of each month based on the last two digits of your case number:

Last 2 digits of case #Deposit Date
00-091st of the month
10-194th of the month
20-297th of the month
30-3910th of the month
40-4913th of the month
50-5916th of the month
60-6919th of the month
70-7920th of the month
80-8921st of the month
90-9922nd of the month


Montana issues P-EBT benefits on the 6th of each month. All recipients receive funds on the same day.


Nebraska distributes P-EBT benefits over several days each month:

  • 1st – 5th: Benefits available for accounts with case numbers ending in 0-2
  • 6th – 10th: Benefits available for accounts with case numbers ending in 3-6
  • 11th – 15th: Benefits available for accounts with case numbers ending in 7-9


Nevada issues P-EBT benefits from the 1st to the 5th of each month based on the last digit of your case number:

Last digit of case #Deposit Date
0, 11st of the month
2, 32nd of the month
4, 53rd of the month
6, 74th of the month
8, 95th of the month

New Hampshire

New Hampshire distributes P-EBT benefits on the 5th of each month. All recipients receive funds on the same day.

New Jersey

New Jersey issues P-EBT funds between the 5th and 15th of each month based on the last two digits of your case number:

Last 2 digits of case #Deposit Date
00-205th of the month
21-347th of the month
35-659th of the month
66-9911th of the month

New Mexico

New Mexico deposits P-EBT benefits on the 10th of each month. All recipients get funds on the same day.

New York

New York distributes P-EBT funds between the 5th and 14th of each month based on the last digit of your case number:

Last digit of case #Deposit Date
0, 15th of the month
2, 37th of the month
4, 59th of the month
6, 711th of the month
8, 913th of the month

North Carolina

North Carolina issues P-EBT benefits between the 3rd and 21st of each month. The specific date depends on the last digit of your case number:

Last digit of case #Deposit Date
0, 13rd of the month
2, 35th of the month
4, 57th of the month
6, 79th of the month
8, 911th of the month

North Dakota

North Dakota distributes P-EBT benefits on the 10th of each month. All recipients receive funds on the same day.


Ohio issues P-EBT benefits between the 2nd and 15th of each month based on the last two digits of your case number:

Last 2 digits of case #Deposit Date
00-092nd of the month
10-194th of the month
20-296th of the month
30-398th of the month
40-4910th of the month
50-5912th of the month
60-6914th of the month
70-7915th of the month


Oklahoma deposits P-EBT benefits on the 1st of each month. All recipients receive funds on the same day.


Oregon issues P-EBT benefits from the 11th to the 15th of each month based on the last digit of your case number:

Last digit of case #Deposit Date
0, 111th of the month
2, 312th of the month
4, 513th of the month
6, 714th of the month
8, 915th of the month


Pennsylvania distributes P-EBT benefits on the 15th of each month. All recipients get funds on the same day.

Rhode Island

Rhode Island issues P-EBT funds on staggered dates between the 1st and 10th of each month based on the last digit of your case number:

Last digit of case #Deposit Date
0, 11st of the month
2, 33rd of the month
4, 55th of the month
6, 77th of the month
8, 99th of the month

South Carolina

South Carolina distributes P-EBT benefits on the 15th of each month. All recipients receive funds on the same day.

South Dakota

South Dakota issues P-EBT benefits between the 4th and 13th of each month based on the last digit of your case number:

Last digit of case #Deposit Date
0, 14th of the month
2, 36th of the month
4, 58th of the month
6, 710th of the month
8, 912th of the month


Tennessee distributes P-EBT benefits between the 5th and 20th of each month. The specific date depends on the last two digits of your case number:

Last 2 digits of case #Deposit Date
00-115th of the month
12-238th of the month
24-3511th of the month
36-4714th of the month
48-5917th of the month
60-7119th of the month
72-9920th of the month


Texas issues P-EBT benefits between the 1st and 15th of each month based on the last digit of your case number:

Last digit of case #Deposit Date
01st of the month
13rd of the month
25th of the month
36th of the month
47th of the month
59th of the month
611th of the month
712th of the month
813th of the month
915th of the month


Utah distributes P-EBT benefits from the 3rd to the 11th of each month based on the last digit of your case number:

Last digit of case #Deposit Date
0, 13rd of the month
2, 35th of the month
4, 57th of the month
6, 79th of the month
8, 911th of the month


Vermont issues P-EBT benefits on the 15th of each month. All recipients receive funds on the same day.


Virginia distributes P-EBT benefits between the 11th and 14th of each month based on the last digit of your case number:

Last digit of case #Deposit Date
0, 111th of the month
2, 312th of the month
4, 513th of the month
6, 714th of the month


Washington issues P-EBT benefits on staggered dates between the 1st and 15th of each month based on the last digit of your case number:

Last digit of case #Deposit Date
0, 11st of the month
2, 34th of the month
4, 57th of the month
6, 710th of the month
8, 913th of the month

West Virginia

West Virginia deposits P-EBT benefits on the 3rd of each month. All recipients receive funds on the same day.


Wisconsin distributes P-EBT benefits between the 2nd and 15th of each month based on the eighth digit of your QUEST card number:

8th digit of QUEST #Deposit Date
0, 12nd of the month
2, 34th of the month
4, 56th of the month
6, 78th of the month
8, 910th of the month


Wyoming issues P-EBT benefits on the 7th of each month. All recipients receive funds on the same day.

Contact Your State for Updates on P-EBT Deposit Dates

Please keep in mind that these P-EBT disbursement timeframes are tentative and subject to change. Your state may update its schedule at any time. I recommend contacting your local SNAP office or checking your state’s official P-EBT website for the most up-to-date deposit calendar.

You can also call the phone number on the back of your EBT card to check last month’s benefits and when to expect the next deposit. Knowing the schedule ahead of time will help you budget your SNAP and P-EBT amounts for the month.

If you have any other questions about when your state distributes pandemic food assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to help families understand and navigate this valuable program.

People Also Ask

How much is P-EBT per child?

The amount of P-EBT benefits per eligible child varies by state, ranging from around $75-100 per month. The benefit amount is calculated based on the federal reimbursement rate for free school breakfasts and lunches in your state.

Who qualifies for P-EBT 2023?

In 2023, children under age 6 in SNAP households and K-12 students eligible for free or reduced-price school meals qualify for P-EBT if there are COVID-related disruptions resulting in school closures or reduced attendance or hours.

How do I apply for P-EBT?

You do not have to apply for P-EBT. Eligible children are automatically enrolled using school and SNAP data. Benefits are issued on existing SNAP EBT cards. Families new to SNAP will be mailed a P-EBT card.

Can I receive P-EBT and WIC?

Yes, you can get P-EBT benefits even if you already participate in WIC. P-EBT supplements other nutrition programs like WIC and does not replace them.

Do I have to repay P-EBT benefits?

No, P-EBT food assistance does not need to be repaid. The benefits are yours to use for food for your eligible children.


JNVSOLAN is an industry veteran with over a decade of experience in Stamps & Postage, Open Close Hours, Restocking & Shipping, EBT and Pay, and General Topics. His expertise and dedication to these fields make him a valuable asset to our team. Trust his insights for all your niche-related queries.

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